Wednesday, 31 December 2014
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year everyone! All of us at SpaMedica are wishing you only the best wishes for 2015. See you again in the new year.
New Year, New You: Look Even Better With These Skin Treatments
Everyone always says it every year, but 2014 has really gone
by so fast. In a matter of hours,
we’ll be ringing in a new year. Have you accomplished some of your resolutions?
That’s great if you did, and it’s still fine if you didn’t. New Year
resolutions are always about improving yourself or your circumstances. It’s a
good time to try to set goals to live and look better than the year before.
Why not start with making beauty resolutions to have even
better skin for 2015? Whether that means getting rid of wrinkles, hair or
tattoos you don’t want, we have a list of treatments you should try out. Below
are non-surgical treatments that can firm and clear up your skin so you look
awesome all year round.
When Botox first emerged a few decades ago, many people were
skeptical of the treatment. “Is it safe?” “Won’t it just make my face look
frozen?” Patients and the media frequently asked these questions. There’s no
doubt that some people are still reserved about Botox, but the attitude towards
it is much more relaxed today with so much information available now. And plus,
it’s the most popular non-surgical treatment year after year.
Botox, a purified protein named botulinum toxin A, relaxes
muscle areas by blocking nerves impulses which trigger contractions. This helps
to soften wrinkles on your face. Results usually last up to 6 months.
It’s like maintenance—a few injections of Botox here and
there will keep unwanted wrinkles and lines away. It’s pretty common for people
in their 20s to get Botox to prevent wrinkles from showing up in the first
place. These treatments have been called “pre-juvenation”.
Laser Hair Removal
Who doesn’t like smooth skin? It’s a hassle to constantly
shave and wax every couple of days and weeks. Maybe you’re frustrated with always
busting out the razors to scrape away hair during the summer. Laser hair removal is a way to quit that routine for good.
With faster and better lasers,
men can get the hair on their backs removed within 20 minutes. Hair on a
woman’s whole body could be removed within that same amount of time. To
permanently remove 80% of the hair, patients should expect to have 4-5 laser
hair removal sessions. Different lasers and wavelengths are used depending on
your skin and hair type.
Skin Tightening For Your Body and Face
With age and genetics comes droopy skin. Maybe you’ve noticed
that your neck or cheeks don’t look as firm and tight as they did before.
SpaMedica is equipped with several non-surgical treatments that combat loose
skin. These treatments can treat your face or different areas on your body.
Exilis is one of the available non-surgical fat reduction
and skin tightening treatments to firm up your body. It’s a device that uses
radiofrequency to contour your body and reduce fat without surgical
intervention. Drop in the clinic once a week for 4-6 weeks and after that,
you’ll see improvement in your figure and skin. These treatments are great
alternative options for people who don’t want to deal with recovery time or
surgery like liposuction and tummy tucks.
If a facelift is out of the question for you, then be happy
that the Pan G Lift is an amazing non-surgical alternative to firm up your skin.
It’s a series of treatments that uses radiofrequency energy, ultrasound and
more to lift your face and neck without any need for cuts.
The Pan G Lift lifts
up droopy brows, cheeks, jowls and neck—it also targets other skin concerns
such as wrinkles and spider veins. Each treatment lasts for one hour. Right
after your appointment, you can go back to work or normal activities. It’s that
Laser Tattoo Removal
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Source: SpaMedica. Before and after photo of a patient who had laser tattoo removal. |
So what if wrinkles or droopiness isn’t even your concern?
Maybe getting rid of a tattoo is on your mind. Starting off the New Year by erasing
an embarrassing or poorly designed tattoo is a pretty good way to renew
yourself in 2015. Long gone is the idea that tattoos are forever; that’s far
from the case now with the booming laser tattoo removal industry.
The PicoSure
laser is the latest laser in the industry that’s annihilating tattoos better
and faster than before. With the PicoSure, the amount of treatments you’ll need
is cut dramatically compared to other lasers. After 4 treatments, you can see
90% of your tattoo cleared. Compare that number to older lasers that require up
to 16 treatments for tattoo clearance.
Start The Year With Enhanced Skin
If enhancing your skin and appearance is on your mind as
beauty resolutions for the New Year, we hope we’ve provided some good options
and insight for you to look into. Leave a comment or book an appointment online
if you have any questions!
Happy New Year and best wishes for all you lovely people.
Happy New Year and best wishes for all you lovely people.
Tuesday, 23 December 2014
Breast Augmentation: 5 Common Myths Debunked
Breast augmentation is one of big decisions a woman can make. It leaves you asking a lot of questions, if you don’t know where to start. It’s often super confusing learning about the procedure when there’s so much information and myths out there on this subject. Considering this, we decided to tackle and explain some of the most common breast augmentation myths below.
Breast implants explode on airplanes
This is an urban myth, but a very common one. It’s a question
that people often ask their plastic surgeons. Since breast implants are very
durable, they will not explode on airplanes.
Altitude and pressure will not affect your breast implants. Go on that
plane and fly off to whatever destination you desire—your breasts will be just
Breast implants have an expiry date
Breast implants last a long time; some women never have to
have them replaced or taken out. People often say that breast implants should
be changed every 10-15 years. Doctors say that unless breast implants need to
be changed or removed due to ruptures or personal choices, implants don’t have to
be taken out at a specified time. Especially now with improved durable implants
on the market, there’s no need to replace your breast implants unless you
absolutely have to.
Your breasts will look just how you wanted them to after surgery
Right after surgery, your breasts wont look the way they ultimately will in the long run. They need time to settle in. Usually in the first two to
three weeks, breast implants look swollen or sit a little too high on your
chest. It takes two to three weeks for the breast implants to drip down into the
pocket and look more natural. After six weeks, your breasts will look more natural
and match the expectations you might have had prior to surgery. Depending on your plastic surgeon, they
might recommend you to do massages or wear a breast wrap to allow your breast
implants to settle lower in the pocket.
Scars are obvious
Like with any procedure, breast augmentation will leave you
with scars. How big and visible those scars are depends on your plastic surgeon
and the technique used. Scars are normally no more than a few centimeters long. The incision options that are available in breast augmentation include:
- Under the breast fold
- Areolar approach
- Armpit
- Belly button
If you don’t want any visible scars on your breast,
incisions made to the armpit and belly button are the best options. And just as
a fun fact, Toronto plastic surgeon Dr. Mulholland was one of the leaders who
developed the endoscopic armpit incision approach in breast augmentation.
Stretch marks will develop on breasts
Getting stretch marks on breasts after breast augmentation
isn’t common. Plastic surgeons do see few patients who develop stretch marks on
their breasts, but it’s not something that happens in every single patient.
It can happen though, especially if a woman chooses very
large implants or has a history of stretch marks. When your dermis is torn and
your skin stretches rapidly, stretch marks develop. Here’s a scenario: if the
skin of a young woman’s breasts is very tight but she gets very large implants,
this could increase the chances of stretch mark development. This is because
her skin is rapidly expanding when the implants are put in place. Your plastic
surgeon will explain and discuss what implants are ideal for your body type.
Thursday, 18 December 2014
Stretch Marks: 4 Things People Get Wrong About It
Oh sweet, sweet stretch marks. They’re large and coloured in
bold shades of red, purple or white. They hang around on tummies, thighs and
hips permanently. They’re reliable little scars because they’ll always be there
on your body even when you don’t want them to.
Stretch marks are basically the best self-esteem destroyers,
especially when beach season rolls in and everyone’s half naked. Tons of people
have them and I could say without real statistical evidence that they all
despise them. I’m sad to say that stretch marks cannot be rid of permanently.
But there are ways to reduce the look of it. Before seeing how you can treat
stretch marks, learn more about stretch marks before you try to conquer this annoying
Stretch Marks Are Usually White or Silver
When stretch marks are just starting to appear on your body,
they can look red or purple. Purple or red stretch marks occur when your skin
is expanding and when there are micro tears in the skin’s collagen and elastin.
With more blood vessels in your injured skin, that’s why stretch marks appear
red or purple. These colours could last for months or years after the stretch
marks first showed up (Awesome. Not.)
If you have older or mature stretch marks, they look white
or silver. This happens after blood vessels fade and when there’s no longer an
inflammatory response. More mature stretch marks have less collagen and elastin
compared to non-affected skin.
Getting a Good Tan Removes Stretch Marks
Tanning won’t remove your stretch marks. White and silver
stretch marks don’t tan the same way as unaffected skin. The first layer of
your skin turns darker, but your stretch marks will stay the same. The colour
doesn’t change, so white stretch marks stand out even more against tanned skin.
Plus, if you are basking in the sun, make sure you’re
wearing SPF sunscreen. Too much sun exposure can damage your skin’s collagen
and that’s’ the last thing you want if stretch marks are your concern.
Weight Loss Gets Rid of Stretch Marks
Stretch marks are considered scars so they’ll still be there
when you drop pounds. Stretch marks usually occur due to a few things that
cause the skin to stretch: pregnancy, weight gain and weight loss.
Thin People Are Immune to Stretch Marks
It doesn’t matter how big or small you are—people of all
sizes can have stretch marks. When people go through puberty, a stage where
hormones are rapidly changing, stretch marks can form. Even if a thin person
has an impossibly fast metabolism and never gains weight, hormonal imbalances causes
stretch marks.
Body builders who are notoriously fit and built can also
sport some stretch marks. These marks are usually seen on the upper chest or
shoulder areas.
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Source: SpaMedica |
Reduce Your Stretch Marks With These Treatments
Physcians use fractional lasers and radiofrequency devices
such as Enerjet. During this treatment, the Enerjet applicator is applied on
the skin where the stretch marks are. The Enerjet propels solubilized soft tissue fillers like Restylane and Juvederm across the skin.
This product is evenly distributed within and under the
stretch mark to make them smooth and tight. There aren’t any needles used and
there’s no pain. It’s a 30-45 minute treatment depending on how much needs to
be treated.
Different methods and devices are used to reduce the looks
of stretch marks. A series of treatments need to be performed for the best
results. These programs usually take 3-6 months to finish since each treatment
is separated by a few weeks. Expect to see 30-75% improvement in your red,
purple or white stretch marks.
Curious for more information? Read more on stretch mark reduction treatments.
Monday, 15 December 2014
The Reason Why You Shouldn’t Get Plastic Surgery
What do you do to fix a failing relationship? You know when
you start fighting more often—even about the littlest things—and when you’re
just not happy with your partner anymore, there’s something wrong. So do you
start wearing sexy lingerie? Take a vacation? Break the usual routines and go
out for actual dates that don’t involve watching TV and eating on the couch?
Why You Shouldn’t Get Plastic Surgery
Some people would go as far as getting plastic surgery to
improve their looks to make their partners happier. Yes, getting plastic surgery is incredibly common now but it’s still a decision that should be
carefully considered. Getting a rhinoplasty or breast augmentation to look more
attractive to please your partner shouldn’t be the main reason of surgery.
Plastic surgeons do see people who come and request for
procedures because their partner said they should get some work done. In these
situations, plastic surgeons aren’t just doctors; they’re like therapists who
listen to this person’s situation and thoughts. Surgeons usually say patients
should be doing procedures for themselves and not for others. If a surgeon
feels the client is seeking surgery for reasons like repairing a relationship
or winning back an ex-lover, they can refuse to perform procedures on them.
Women Seek Surgery on Their Own
Of course, not everyone gets a little cosmetic work done to
please their partners. Dr. Mulholland, a plastic surgeon from Toronto, has had many
female patients in their 40s and 50s come in for treatments for themselves. “These
women aren’t looking to be on the cover of magazines or to support a failing
marriage. They want to look and feel their best, and they do so with the help
of these relatively safe procedures and dieting. They have to go into it with
realistic expectations and full disclosure of information,” he says.
A Quarter of Men Want Their Partners to Get Surgery
Lots of women will get some work done out of their own
choices and desires to improve their looks. But what happens when your partner thinks
that you should get plastic surgery? In this survey,
24% of British men admitted they wanted their partners to have cosmetic surgery
to improve their looks.
The top 5 treatments men said they wanted their partner to
have included:
- Liposuction
- Breast augmentation
- Dental surgery
- Rhinoplasty
- Botox
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24% of surveyed British men said they wanted their partners to get plastic surgery to improve their looks. Rhinoplasty was the 4th most popular choice. |
Only 10% of these men said they would actually tell their
partners. You would think the main reason men wouldn’t admit their opinions are
to avoid hurting their partners’ feelings, but that’s not the case. The main
reason 76% of the men wouldn’t say anything is because “they don’t think their
looks could be improved” even after surgery.
Do It for Yourself
We think these results are quite revealing. It wouldn’t be
true to say a romantic partner’s opinions of your looks don’t matter at all.
But someone else’s desires to change your appearance for their own needs
shouldn’t be your main reason to seek surgery. Changing something on your body
or face should stem from your personal choices to feel more confident and happy
overall. Afterall, there’s risk, recovery time and it can be expensive if you
haven’t budgeted for plastic surgery.
We’d hate to sound cynical, but here it is. You don’t want
to breakup with your partner but still live with a nose or super large implants
that you didn’t want in the first place. You are the one who will live with and
see yourself everyday—make sure it’s your decision and not somebody’s else’s.
Wednesday, 10 December 2014
Leg Vein Treatments: How to Treat Your Varicose Veins Easily
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Source: SpaMedica. This patient received laser leg vein treatments at SpaMedica |
Leg veins, also known as varicose veins, are bulging veins on a person’s calves and legs. These leg veins can be blue, red or the same colour as your flesh. Spider veins look smaller and are closer to the skin’s surface. Leg veins are one of the most common cosmetic concerns, especially for women over age 50. This doesn’t mean younger people don’t see this problem on their legs, though. More and more people in their 20s and 30s are starting to see leg veins form. Luckily, a few leg vein treatments treatments are available to reduce or remove these pesky veins.
Why do people get leg veins?
Lots of reasons contribute to the development of leg veins.
Pregnancy is one of the main causes of leg veins. Since there’s more blood in
the body when a woman is pregnant, this causes veins to increase in size.
Sometimes leg veins improve a few months after delivery.
Other factors
- Weight gain
- Weight loss
- Hereditary factors. If you have leg veins, usually another person in your family has them too.
- Hormonal influences. Such changes occur during puberty, pregnancy and menopause.
- Lack of movement and exercise
- Long periods of standing. People who work in professions like teaching are more prone to getting leg veins due to the increased pressure in the legs from standing a lot.
Are there ways to prevent leg veins from developing?
There are some tips and habits you can do to cut your
chances of developing leg veins. If this issue is hereditary, it’s
unfortunately out of your hands. You can do some things to prevent new veins
from forming, though.
- Go out for walks during your breaks if you have a job that requires you to sit down for hours. Some movement helps take pressure off your legs.
- Reduce sodium intake. Salt is known to cause water retention, which increase pressure on veins.
- Wear sunscreen. Sun exposure increase chances of spider veins developing.
How can you treat leg veins?
Leg veins and spider veins aren’t life-threatening, but they
can be uncomfortable. These veins can cause achiness or cramping. Even if they
don’t cause any pain or sensation, maybe you’re fed up with the looks of it. Over
95% of SpaMedica clients see improvements in their leg veins after laser leg vein treatments. As for spider veins, clients see over 75% of
improvement in the appearance of these smaller veins.
Laser leg vein treatments
Laser leg vein treatments and laser spider vein treatments
involve lasers with multiple wavelengths, intense pulsed light and
radiofrequency energy. These techniques are either used in combination or
individually. Most clients need 3-6 laser treatments every 3-4 weeks. A session
lasts 15-30 minutes, depending on how many leg veins you have. For very lucky
people, they require only one laser leg vein treatment.
This is another common way to treat leg and spider veins. It’s
a needle-based technique that reduces the looks of leg veins. Sclerotherapy injections contain chemical sclerosing agents that cause the veins to collapse. This
forces the blood to travel through other veins. Eventually, the leg vein fades.
You might have to wear gradient compression stockings to reduce swelling.
You don’t have to deal with the discomfort or appearance of
leg veins forever. There are lots of ways to reduce your chances of developing or
removing them. Keep active, eat well or look into laser or sclerotherapy
treatments if you need to.
Wednesday, 3 December 2014
Laser Tattoo Removal: Expectations vs. Reality
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Source: Google Images |
Everybody makes mistakes in their lives. Some of them are small while some are more long-lasting. Thankfully, tattoos don’t have to be one of those permanent mistakes anymore. With laser tattoo removal in Toronto, poorly designed (or misspelled) tattoos can be erased faster and better now.
According to statistics, 49 million Americans have at least
one tattoo. Of those people, 20% of them regret getting a tattoo. Dr.
Mulholland, a Toronto cosmetic surgeon, says that women make up the majority of
laser tattoo removal patients. Why is this, you might ask? Sometimes their
tattoos simply don’t reflect them as a person anymore or they had the name of
an ex-lover inked on their bodies.
People tend to think tattoo removal is difficult or too
painful, but the PicoSure laser makes the process faster. That’s because technology
and techniques for tattoo removal have come a long way since the 90s. Here are the
most common expectations and the reality of laser tattoo removal.
I’ll have to come in for a lot of treatments
Older lasers are not as fast the PicoSure, so they require patients to come
in for several treatments to see clearance. The PicoSure pulse duration is a billionth
of a second and is super short. The laser has a pulsed shockwave effect on
tattoo pigments with little thermal effect. This acoustic shockwave is excellent
at removing tattoos—in as little as 4 treatments, people can see 90% of their
tattoo gone. You won’t have to come in for 16 treatments to clear your tattoo
with the PicoSure laser.
It’s expensive
Removing tattoos is usually more expensive than getting one, that’s for sure.
But since the PicoSure laser removes tattoos much faster than older lasers, you’ll
only need half the number of treatments to clear your tattoo. Older, less
successful lasers required patients to come in for 8-16 treatments. This makes
the whole process more expensive. Depending on how big your tattoo is, PicoSure
treatments range from $250-$750 per treatment.
Source: SpaMedica YouTube Channel
It can’t get rid of certain colours
It’s known that certain tattoo ink colours are difficult to remove, such as
red ink. When appropriate lasers aren’t used for that pigment, the tattoo
becomes resistant and doesn’t clear. SpaMedica has a comprehensive laser tattoo
removal program that uses multiple lasers to achieve at least 90% clearance of the
tattoo. So if you have a very colourful tattoo, the PicoSure, Revlite and other
lasers will be combined during your treatments.
It’s painful
Tattoo removal obviously isn’t the most comfortable feeling in the world, but
the PicoSure laser makes the process much more tolerable compared to older
lasers. Also, most Toronto laser tattoo removal patients have anesthetic cream
applied and an air chilling system directed on the skin. Many SpaMedica
patients say the treatments are less painful than getting the tattoo itself.
Laser tattoo removal in Toronto is not as lengthy, expensive
or painful as you might think. Getting rid of those embarrassing or just plain
bad tattoos is now a common and easier process. Book your appointment now to
start clearing your tattoo.
Monday, 1 December 2014
Clear Your Skin With These Helpful Acne Treatments and Tips
Acne is a common problem for people of all ages. This pesky skin problem affects teenagers and adults. For some, acne is merely a stage that occurs in teenage years and becomes a thing of the past once they reach adulthood. But for other people, they experience breakouts in their 20s, 30s and beyond. “I see some people who didn’t have acne as teenagers but they get it as adults,” says Dr. Mulholland, a Toronto cosmetic surgeon. Since it’s a superficial problem, having acne affects people’s self-esteem and confidence in social settings. Below, we recommend some tips and acne treatments in Toronto for you to get clearer, smoother skin.
Get rid of oil-based skincare products
Dr. Mulholland recommends swapping out your oil-based skincare products for water-based products. Products that contain mineral oil, a common ingredient in cosmetics, can aggravate the skin and acne. “If a product says the contents are 51% water and 49% water, I wouldn’t say that product is water-based,” says Dr. Mulholland. If possible, buy products that don’t contain mineral oil (this could also be listed as petrolatum or paraffinum).Change your diet
Today, more dermatologists and doctors now believe acne breakouts are associated with the food we eat. Some of the common foods that are thought to trigger acne are sugar, bread, coffee and diary. Try to limit or cut the consumption of these things to see if it affects your acne. In many cases, people have cut dairy out of their diets altogether and saw that their acne improved. Make sure to fit in lots of fruits, vegetables and water to keep your skin healthy and hydrated.Change your products as the season changes
Using the same skincare products all year-round isn’t sufficient for your skin’s needs in different seasons. “Your skin can become irritated and rebel after constantly using the same cleansers and moisturizers,” says Dr. Mulholland. This is because your skin’s needs changes with different weather. Since winter tends to dry skin out, a cleansing gel like Cetaphil is a good idea instead of a cleansing bar. Using cleansing bars and soaps for your skin are more ideal in warmer weather.Get acne treatments
SpaMedica offers different acne treatments in Toronto to clear up the skin. One of the methods is SonoPeel microdermabrasion. This technique uses gentle ultrasound to micro-abrade the skin’s surface. This helps to reduce the top layer of the skin’s thickness and reduces blackheads and white heads.
Depending on your skin type, other treatments such as
chemical peels, crystal peels or silk peel diamond microdermabrasion may be
recommended. These acne treatments brighten and even out your skin. They also reduce
the risks of future acne breakouts. Blue light therapy may also be performed
during your microdermabrasion. It contains special chemicals to attack the
bacteria in your sebaceous glands.
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Source: SpaMedica |
Get acne scar reduction treatments
If acne scars is your main skin concern, SpaMedica also
offers acne scar reduction treatments in Toronto. A mix of techniques and
technologies are used to clear scar ridden skin. Treatments involve skin
tightening devices and fractional lasers. These treatments are meant to clear
the colours of acne scars, tighten your skin and produce new collagen. After a
series of treatments, patients can see 30-70% improvement in the looks of their
acne scars.
We hope these tips help with clearing up your skin. Get in
touch with us or book an appointment today to see how we can help you improve
your acne and acne scars.
Friday, 28 November 2014
5 Things You Shouldn’t Forget To Do Before Rhinoplasty
Like with any other plastic surgery procedure, you should be
well-prepared and know what to expect in your rhinoplasty
procedure. It can be very overwhelming deciding who to see what you should
know with such a big decision. We wanted to make this process a little
simpler—here are a few recommendations to help you decide on which plastic
surgeon to choose for your surgery.
1. Research several plastic
It’s always a good idea to
research a few plastic surgeons that perform rhinoplasty
in your area. This way you’re not limiting yourself to one surgeon. Plastic
surgeons will all have a different level of experience and approaches to
Speaking to different
surgeons allows you to understand a few things. You’ll know what to expect in
your procedure and how your surgeon will approach your surgery. You’ll also see
if they understand what your needs are and if you feel comfortable with them.
There are cases where people rush into their procedures without doing much
research. It often ends with regret and trips to other surgeons for revision
2. Ask a lot of questions
before committing to surgery
When speaking to surgeons, ask them how often they perform rhinoplasty yearly.
Ask them how long they’ve been performing nose
jobs. Don’t be afraid to ask “tougher” questions either. Ask if they’ve
experienced any complications and what they did to resolve them.
3. Look at before and after
It’d be strange if a surgeon didn’t have a website
or photos to show their work on previous patients. Make sure to go through the
surgeon’s galleries of before
and after rhinoplasty photos. This will give you a clearer, visual idea of
what kind of results they’re capable of. If possible, you can reach out to the
surgeon’s past rhinoplasty patients and ask them about their experiences.
4. Read online reviews
Several online communities and rating websites can
show you what other patients are saying about plastic surgeons and their work.
Some of these websites include RateMD,
and Yelp.
Of course, there’s always a chance that the review is biased, exaggerated or
fabricated. In general, you can still get a sense of what to expect after
reading everyone’s opinions about the surgeon, their experience and their professionalism.
5. Get 3D imaging of your
nose before the procedure
If you want to see what your nose can look like
after surgery, get your photos taken with the Vectra
3D imaging system. This computer imaging system takes pictures of your nose
and face at different angles. This way, there won’t be any surprises. Seek a
plastic surgeon that has this technology and can perform it during your
You’ll be more confident and prepared after
doing extensive research. Having rhinoplasty is a major decision, so don’t be
afraid to take your time during this process.
Thursday, 27 November 2014
Why Teens Want Plastic Surgery More Than Ever
Plastic surgery is already a controversial issue for some
people. But, what do you think about teenagers getting cosmetic work done? It’s
happening, and the numbers are increasing. In 2013, the total cosmetic
procedures performed on teens from 13-19
years old were 219,564 according
to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.
Large portions of the cosmetic procedures were ear surgery
and breast reduction in males. Other notable procedures were breast augmentation and eyelid surgery. As for minimally invasive procedures, popular
treatments were Botox injections and laser hair removal.
Why Teens Want Plastic Surgery
Teens are deciding on plastic surgery based on their desire
to “look normal”. Issues like bullying and low self-esteem influences young
people to consider cosmetic procedures to fit in with their peers. Some teens
also feel the need to conform to what is perceived as attractive by the media
and in most cases these days, social media. In our world of image filters and
extreme Photoshop editing of pictures, it’s easy to see why teens compare
themselves to pictures of people who look so flawless with their wrinkles,
curves, blemishes and whatever imperfections edited.
Ears that stick out too far, crooked features or breasts
that are too small are all concerns of teenagers. In fact, ear surgery is
performed on children as young as five years old. The Ontario medicare system
covers the surgery for people under the age of 18. Parents initiate these
procedures for their kids at young ages so the kids don’t have to endure
teasing. As for teens that have surgeries before heading to university, it’s a
perfect time to “start fresh” with a new look in a different environment. Considering that teens need parental consent for plastic surgery, their parents
have to approve of this drastic decision before it happens.
Parents Would Allow Their Teens to Have Plastic Surgery
Many people say they would approve their kids having plastic
surgery. RealSelf, a large online community for sharing and learning about
cosmetic surgeries and treatments, conducted a survey of more than 650 people.
The poll asked if they would allow their child to undergo a procedure to
decrease or prevent bullying. The results showed that 68% of those surveyed
said yes, while 32% said no.
Still, when it comes to teens and plastic surgery, plastic
surgeons are on the fence with this topic. “Performing cosmetic procedures in
teenagers is something I try to avoid. I find it is difficult to come to terms
with a confident sense of self during teenage years without complicating it
with cosmetic plastic surgery, either surgical or non-surgical,” says Dr.
Mulholland, a Toronto plastic surgeon.
Going about this subject is really tricky when teens are
still mentally and physically developing. It’s incredibly common, and perhaps
expected, that teens would feel insecure about certain aspects of themselves.
It’s a phase that can pass, and that’s why some doctors would rather not
perform surgery until the patient is older and has a better sense of self. But
the reality is that although one doctor could refuse to perform surgery on
teens, it’s not difficult to move on and find a doctor who will.
breast augmentation,
Breast reduction,
ear surgery,
plastic surgery,
Wednesday, 26 November 2014
5 Essential Tips about Laser Hair Removal
Hot, summer days are long gone (unless
you’re heading on vacation…lucky you!) and showing bare skin is no longer an
option. Even if you don’t want to admit it, ladies aren’t shaving their legs as
often anymore because they’re hidden in pants or leggings in the winter. But
imagine if you don’t have to bother buying razors and shaving unwanted hair a
few times a week once the summer hits? Laser hair removal in Toronto gives you
that option.
It’s affordable, faster and better than
ever. It spares you the time of constantly grooming and worrying about stubble
showing on your legs. So, here are our 5 essential laser hair removal tips for
you to know before you book your treatments:
1. Lasers remove body hair faster than
Better and faster lasers are now available
so that body hair removal is much faster. Even men with hairy backs can have
their hair removed in 20 minutes. The Vectus laser at SpaMedica is fast enough
to get rid of a man’s chest and back hair in 20 minutes. Clients see 80% of
their hair removed after 4-5 treatments. Permanent hair removal is possible in
just a few treatments.
2. Different lasers are used for
different skin types
In the past, laser hair removal for dark
skin types was considered risky. Lack of training and availability of the right
techniques and lasers for dark skin types was the problem. Since dark skin has
more melanin, there's higher risk of scarring or blistering if the treatment
isn’t performed well. Now, lasers and trained professionals are able to target
and treat hairs on dark skin safely. Longer wavelengths and a variety of lasers
are used for Asian, black and olive skin types.
Picture Source - Spamedica website
3. Men are big consumers of laser hair
It’s always assumed that men just don’t do
cosmetic procedures. That’s not the case, especially when it comes to laser
hair removal in Toronto. Men typically drop in for sessions to remove unwanted
hair from their chests and backs. It’s a super common treatment for men—a
report from 2013 shows that 190,546 procedures were performed on men. Facial hair
may be in, but body hair? Not so much.
4. Licensed individuals should perform
laser hair removal for safest results
It seems like you can get this treatment
done in just about any corner in the city. Many businesses and even nail salons
offer laser hair removal in Toronto. Prices may be cheap or these places offer
Groupons or promotional values—that doesn’t mean you’ll get the best results.
There should be licensed staff or doctors present at a proper medi-spa. That’s
often not the case when visiting businesses that falsely advertise themselves
as medi-spas. The person who’s handling powerful and scorching lasers could be
unlicensed or inexperienced. Not a good thought to have, in our opinion.
5. Have treatment at a clinic to access
multiple lasers for efficient hair removal
Avoid booking your laser hair removal Toronto sessions at an obscure place. Do your research and visit a medi-spa or
clinic that has board licensed doctors or dermatologists. You’ll have more
confidence that these people know what they’re doing. If there was a chance of
complication, they’re experienced and trained enough to advise you on your next
steps. Properly equipped facilities will also have several lasers to treat
different skin types and hairs.
Take these tips and consider them when you’re
researching where to have your treatments done. Don’t be afraid to ask the
practitioner questions because the more you know, the better you’ll be
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